понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

Giant sunspots visible to the naked eye, is aimed at the Earth - scientists

On the Sun formed a giant cluster of sunspots, directed toward our planet. It is the largest recorded. with. 2005 active region on the sun, and soon it can produce a powerful flash.

The active region under the number 1339 was first spotted by satellites, to the north- western part of the Sun. Colossal spot moved slowly across the surface lights and got into the field of view of terrestrial telescopes last week, reports National Geographic.
Astronomers soon realized that this is no ordinary sunspot, and the whole gigantic cluster of spots, some of which are larger than our planet.
In fact, this cluster is large enough to be seen with the naked eye from Earth.
However, Philip Scherrer of Stanford University warns that looking directly at the sun do not. You must use filters, or other, indirect methods.
November 3 AR in 1339 published a number of super solar flare, which, however, passed by the Earth. After this accumulation has been relatively quiet. But astronomers predicted, AR 1339 attack ground and already within a few days we can expect new outbreaks.

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